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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 23 – 2023 February 24

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 42

1051 hours – Mischief – Mischief at a business, still under investigation by police to review video and identify suspect.

1432 hours – Dispute – Dispute between family members, situation mediated, advice given by police.

1435 hours – Breach – Subject charged for entering a premise against their release conditions.

1443 hours – Theft – Theft of personal property, advice given, still under investigation by police.

1452 hours – Motor Vehicle Accident – Single vehicle motor vehicle accident vs sign, still under investigation by police to contact owner of vehicle.

1600 hours – Fraud – Banking Fraud, still under investigation.

1607 hours – Dispute – Advice provided to complainant.

1640 hours – Theft – Property stolen from vehicle, still under investigation by police to obtain video footage.

1741 hours – Alarm Call – Spoke with staff on site, false alarm.

1907 Hours – Theft – Theft from a business, still under investigation by police to locate suspect.

1935 hours – Breach – Subject charged for breaching several of their release conditions.

2200 hours – Theft – Theft from a business, still under investigation by police to review video.

2201 hours – Dispute – Spoke with complainant, still under investigation to speak with involved parties and possible charges.

2228 hours – Theft – Theft from a business, suspect known, still under investigation to locate and charge individual.

0116 hours – Noise Bylaw – Loud music being played, individual warned under the noise bylaw.

0128 hours – Dispute – Bar Dispute between multiple individuals, mediated by police, one individual charged.

0137 hours – Disturbance – Subject located, arrested for public intoxication and held until sober.

0417 hours – Alarm Call – Spoke with employees, false alarm.

911 Calls – 3

Assist Other Agency – 8

Warrant Executed – 1
