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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 28 – 2023 March 1

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65

0837 hours – Break and Enter – Shed broken into sometime overnight with items being stolen, still under investigation.

0904 hours – Disturbance – Police attended to subjects having a verbal argument, situation was mediated and the subjects were warned.

0930 hours – Theft Under – Sometime over the weekend a business was entered with property being stolen, still under investigation to receive video footage.

0930 hours – Theft Under – Suspect entered business and stole merchandise, still under investigation to view video and identify suspect.

1049 hours – Mischief – Business vehicle damaged sometime throughout week, still under investigation.

1116 hours – Unwanted Guest – Police assisted in removing subject from property, subject was sent on their way.

1152 hours – Theft Under – Personal items stolen from a business, police to review video and identify suspect.

1254 hours – Assistance to Sick Person – Police attended to a residence and helped subject by providing resources and advice.

1532 hours – Harassing Calls – Police provided advice for the party involved.

1535 hours – Well-Being Check – Police attended to a store and located subject who had warrants, released for court on a later date.

1540 hours – Dispute – Police attended to a residence and spoke with party involved, one subject to be charged.

1702 hours – Dangerous Driving – Still under investigation to speak to the registered owner of the vehicle.

1959 hours – Theft Under – Vehicle was entered with items being stolen, still under investigation.

2057 hours – Suspicious Person – Police attended to a recreation centre and spoke to subject who was warned for their behaviour.

2103 hours – Unwanted Guest – Police attended to a business and assisted in removing subject from the store, subject was sent on their way.

2122 hours – Theft Under – Property stolen from a parking lot, follow up to be made to view video.

2234 hours – Dispute – Police attended to a residence and helped mediated an argument, parties were separated for the night.

2243 hours – Unwanted Guest – Police were dispatched to a subject who was outside causing a scene, subject was sent on their way.

0034 hours – Intoxicated Person – Police arrived at a business and helped remove the intoxicated subject and provided the subject with resources.

0215 hours – Assistance to Sick Person – Police located a subject who was injured, an ambulance was called and subject was transported to the hospital and left in their care.

Alarm Call – 1

Assist Other Agency – 6

Bylaws – 1

Warrant Executed – 2

911 Calls – 5
