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The first year of Mennonite Heritage Village’s Winter in the Village is wrapping up this week. 

Executive Director Gary Dyck shares his appreciation for the volunteers that made it all possible. 

“The excitement on their faces has been great, especially the horse club. They came out on some really cold nights. They have to put the horses in their trailers, get them ready, bring them here, hitch them up to the sled, and just wait out there in the cold all night. They've been amazing,” he says.

Due to a delay in funding, they could only start at the end of December, which is later than they had hoped.

“Unfortunately, it was a little late, but we're definitely going to do it again and want to keep it going and start next December,” he explains. 

However, he says that the response they have received from the community has been positive and that it's been "neat" to have their support. 

“People have been amazed to see the village in the winter. We've been wanting to do that for years. Finally, for people to get out and see the beautiful village in winter has been a dream come true for us. People have been excited about the lights and how it just adds a different feel to it and then have something just right here in town that they can get out to and do and enjoy in winter,” 

He adds that during their Winter Carnival on Louis Riel weekend, they had three days filled with events and had over 1200 visitors.  

While Winter in the Village is coming to a close this season, Dyck says that it doesn’t all end there. 

“In March, if people want to come out on Saturday even during the day, the lights show is done, but they can rent snowshoes and skates while the weather is decent and still enjoy the grounds that way on Saturdays. We're just excited to have something.” 

Author Alias