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Four local women are creating an impact in our community. (From top left, clockwise: Ashley Reimer, Peyton Kehler, Cindi Klassen and Carol Hamilton. Photos submitted)

Many women empower others through their variety of roles in our community. From history makers to the next generation, all embody strength, kindness and dedication.  

Today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, we highlight them and their passions. 

This year’s theme is Embrace Equity. It challenges the idea of why equal opportunities aren’t enough. Society should be truly inclusive, challenge gender stereotypes and embrace diversity as people start from different backgrounds. 

Carol Hamilton is the co-owner of Di Reggae Grill, a family-owned business in Steinbach. She immigrated with her family from Jamaica 13 years ago. While being a mother and a business owner is “not an easy thing,” she is grateful for her role. 

“It's a fulfilling thing. It's a blessing to have such wonderful, gifted kids. I am doing it for the future, for them and building up a dream that we always wanted as a family that came to Canada. I just want to see it fulfilled,” Hamilton says.

As a woman of colour and a minority, she has faced obstacles and wants the world to embrace equity. 

“It's the fairness and equal opportunity within the field or the realm of work or society. I believe that there should be more in that field, more for the women in the society of colour, there should be more openness and areas of growth where they can develop and excel,” she explains.

Looking ahead, she also hopes to see “all women of every colour come together and support each other.”  

The youth are the future, and 16-year-old advocate Peyton Kehler is making that known.  

The Grade 11 student plays basketball for the SRSS Varsity Girls team and is a youth advisory member for Lead Thru Sport. With her roles, she hopes to empower women to take up space. 

“I try my best to lead by example in the sense of playing sports, encouraging other girls to join in sport. In different gym classes, I'm going to see a lot of girls sit out just because they don't feel like they belong in a game full of guys. I do my best to join that game and try and get them to join with me, let them experience sport in the same way I do,” Kehler says.

Kehler thanks the mentors in her life who have empowered her to take action and lead by example.  

“My mom is a big one in my life. She's faced a lot of challenges that others don't always have to go through. She's persevered through it with a good mindset. I also look at other women in sports, look at coaches I've had, and other women that do their best to encourage young girls to keep going.” 

Southeast Manitoba's first female firefighter is Cindi Klassen. She specializes in fire prevention education and working with youth. 

To her, being a woman means “being a good, honest, authentic and kind human being.” 

A woman in her life that inspires her is her mother. However, she adds that it’s difficult to limit her inspiration to one individual, and is grateful for the support system around her.  

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Lieutenant Cindi Klassen (far left) and all the women on Steinbach Fire Department. (Photo Credit: Cindi Klassen)

She believes in the importance of celebrating women not just today, but every day. 

“There has not been enough acceptance. Just because we are of a different gender doesn't mean we're any less than. I think that celebrating women across the world is huge. We're making a difference as we are climbing the corporate ladders, or in my case, an actual ladder,” she says. “We've come a long, long way, and we still have a long way to go to be treated equally.” 

Ashley Reimer is the Backstage program director at Youth for Christ Steinbach. She mentors youth and provides them with resources and a place of belonging. 

She is inspired by women in the community who uplift and provide her guidance.  

“One of the main people in the last little bit has been Jo-Anne from Steinbach Family Resource Centre. She's just given me a place to have my voice heard and is a big encouragement for me as a woman in leadership,” Reimer says.

In the next year, Reimer hopes to see more women in leadership in our community. 

“I think that some of the traditions in our community in Steinbach, there are still places for a lot of growth and breaking of some of those barriers, and I hope we can see more young women leading in different capacities within the faith community, within politics, just more representation,” she explains.

Finally, a message Reimer wants to share is: “Our community thrives when women support each other. Keep encouraging, uplifting, encouraging and supporting each other.” 

Author Alias