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Miami Active Living Centre, taken on March 28th, 2023. (Submitted)
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Taken on March 28th, the new Miami Active Living Centre under construction. (Submitted)

On July 12th of 2022, only 10 days away from to the public, fire struck the Miami Active Living Centre

The fire caused extensive damage to the roof and it was decided it was best to demolish the building and start again. By September of 2022, the building was demolished and construction began again. 

RM of Thompson Reeve Brian Callum says construction has gone quickly and the project is ahead of schedule.

"The contractor, LCL Construction out of Carman was excellent. They handled it all. They talked to their insurance company. They come up with a plan and put all that together. (They) did the demolishing and got the crews back in to build it...The community is getting excited because it's back to pretty well where it was, there isn't a lot left to do on it, and everybody's looking forward to seeing it." 

The original construction was covered by the federal and provincial governments, as well as a local donation from former Miami resident, Blair Sharpe, who gave a major contribution of well over $300,000. "His contribution started this whole process," added Callum "And fortunately the contractor, of course, had good insurance in place, and they've looked after the replacement." 

Callum says construction is on pace to be complete in April, and if all goes according to plan, they will open to the public in early May, with an official opening set for June 3rd.

Author Alias