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Police & Fire Report

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 April 10 – 2023 April 11

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 58

0909 hrs – Assistance to sick person – Subject located and was left in the care of some friends.

0931 hrs – Theft under – This matter is still under investigation.

0936 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and sent on their way.

0954 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and sent on their way.

1054 hrs – Dispute – Both parties spoken to, situation was mediated.

1111 hrs – Theft Under – This matter is still under investigation.

1144 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and left upon police request.

1204 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and left upon police request.

1214 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and left upon police request.

1219 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and was taken to the hospital and left in their care.

1228 hrs – Dispute – Civil dispute, advice provided.

1312 hrs – Nuisance communication – All parties involved were spoken to.

1410 hrs – Theft under – This matter is still under investigation.

1420 hrs – Dispute – Parties involved were spoken to and sent on their way.

1436 hrs – Found property – Weapon located and exhibited for destruction.

1500 hrs – Dispute – Situation mediated.

1504 hrs – Theft under – This matter is still under investigation for charges.

1505 hrs – Dispute – Situation mediated.

1530 hrs – Found property – Knife located and exhibited for destruction.

1543 hrs – Dispute – Parties involved were spoken to and the situation was mediated.

1627 hrs – Dispute – Parties involved were spoken to and the situation was mediated.

1710 hrs – Found Property – Property dropped off at complainant home that did not belong to homeowners. Property exhibited.

1732 hrs – Threats – This matter is still under investigation.

1933 hrs – Disturbance – Individual located in a donation bin, subject was provided with assistance and sent on their way.

1951 hrs – Unwanted guest – Subjects were located and sent on their way.

2028 hrs – Harassing calls – Subject reporting for information purposes.

2146 hrs – Theft under – Subject was located, and the property was returned.

2159 hrs – Dispute – Subject reporting for information purposes.

2337 hrs – Disturbance – Youths in the area knocking on doors and running away, subjects warned for their actions.

0408 hrs – Shoplifting – $25.00 in merchandise was taken, this matter is still under investigation.

0424 hrs – Possession of stolen property – Individual was charged.

911 Calls – 6

Assist other Agency – 2

Parking – 1

Assist Other Police Service – 1

Assist Ambulance -1

Warrant Execution – 4
