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Paul Penner and Chris Derksen visit The Eagle studio to promote the Centre's Spring Fundraiser happening Thursday.

30 years ago, the Pembina Counselling Centre opened its doors, offering people in the region a place to feel heard and talk through what’s going on in life. 

As the region has grown, and continues to grow, so has the Centre. 
According to Executive director, Chris Derksen, the organization closed in on nearly 4,000 appointments in 2022 and is on track to log 4,500 in 2023. In order to keep up with some of the demand, the Centre recently relocated its Altona office to a newly renovated space at the local mall. 

"We're grateful for what's going on," he said. "The stigma on struggling with your mental health, anxiety or whatever it may be has been lifted, or has been lifted greatly. And so, people are more comfortable to raise their hand and say, 'I'm struggling here. I need some help'. We're just happy that we can be there to help people out."

Doing just that for the last 25 years is counsellor, Paul Penner. He feels the Centre's longevity speaks of a community that values what they do.

"A number of years ago, I was sitting at a table at a Christmas banquet with David Dunseath, and he says, 'Paul, how do you measure whether or not you're making a difference? How do you know?' And I realized I didn't really have a good answer. I went back to the office and talked with my colleagues, and it was an epiphany. It's very simple - if you connect with people, you can make a difference."

Penner's years of service to the organization will be celebrated at the Centre's Spring Fundraiser on Thursday. 

"These twenty-five years have gone by really fast, they've been really good," he said. "The thrill is being able to make a difference and connect with people. It gives energy. I'm really grateful."

~ With files from Ronny Guenther ~

Author Alias