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A mockup of what the SMR would look like. (image courtesy of SaskPower)

Nuclear power is coming to Saskatchewan. The question is, will it be based near Lake Diefenbaker?

That's what SaskPower is trying to figure out with its continued meeting with various communities around the large, man made lake. Building their Small Modular Reactor (SMR) by the lake would be ideal for the Crown Corporation, as it would provide access to the water needed to cool the facility. 

Media Spokesperson for SaskPower, Scott McGregor, is happy with all the feedback they have received during their community visits. 

"The turnout was really good," confirmed McGregor. "We had a couple of school classes come through and ask a lot of really great questions. We had a lot of really good conversations with people. Some concerns were raised, and some questions were asked. Overall, we found that most of our engagement activities when it comes to our SMR development file have been really worthwhile."

One of the communities they visited was Elbow, located just off Highway 19, by the 'T' junction on Lake Diefenbaker. This town has a population of roughly 330 individuals and would be getting a serious economic boost from the reactor, creating jobs in the community. 

"We conducted a feasibility study through the Conference Board of Canada that looked at what the economic impacts could be for Small Modular Reactor deployment in Saskatchewan, and there are hundreds of jobs and lots of economic spin-offs and potential opportunities that would come from establishing this new industry."

To be clear, SMR would not be in the town but in the immediate area. The decision has yet to be made, and SaskPower will continue communicating with the various communities they are considering. 

Author Alias