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Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre Executive Director, Linda Marek
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Linda Marek, executive director of the Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre

The Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre remains concerned about the future of charitable status for centres like itself, despite no changes coming in the recent 2023 federal budget.
During the 2021 federal election, and the months following, the feds considered reviewing the charitable status of all pregnancy centres operating across Canada for allegedly providing “dishonest counselling”.
Linda Marek, Executive Director of the Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre (PVPCC), says the government's concern is around providing inaccurate information to women on their options, specifically around abortion.

"We have always been honest and transparent about people's options, what's available in Manitoba, the benefits, risks, alternatives to parenting; adoption and having an abortion. And so, we answer all of those questions honestly and clearly, because, at the end of the day, she needs to make her choice. No one can choose for her. So it's really disappointing that the federal government doesn't see the value of what we provide and the care that we provide." 

Marek says the precedent a move like this would have on the charitable sector, overall, is also concerning. She noted legislation already exists for dishonest charities across the non-profit sectors, so a move like this is unnecessary.

"We are honest in what we do, and we're transparent in what we do. So I'm just concerned that this is political posturing." 

Marek added it creates a lot of difficulties for places like PVPCC to carry out programs and services when there's so much stress dealing with what may or may not happen in Ottawa.  

"Revocation of charitable status means closure," Marek said when asked what it would mean for them as a centre. "Every asset, every dollar, pencil, shelf, every baby blanket would need to get distributed to a like-minded charity. And anything that remains goes back to the federal government... It's not that you just can stop writing charitable tax receipts. It literally means the centre closes permanently, and there's no care and support in the community for those hundred-plus women anymore."

Marek says their hope is that all levels of government would see the value of the services they provide and that those services are provided with integrity and with honesty. 

"Every woman is cared for no matter what she chooses, no matter what circumstances she comes in with. And so my hope is that the government will just continue to provide charitable status for organizations like ours."

Author Alias