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Hundreds of people attended the funeral procession for Constable Harvinder Dhami.

Hundreds of law enforcement officers from across Canada marched down Sherwood Park roads to honour a fallen officer on Thursday (Apr. 20) morning. 

Followed by the sounds of bagpipes and snare drums, the officers made their way to Millennium Place for the funeral procession of Constable Harvinder Dhami.

The event was MC'd by retired staff sergeant Christian Narbonne. 

"We remember Constable Dhami's service to upholding the safety of this community and the ultimate sacrifice he made in the line of duty," said Narbonne. "The many condolences, words of comfort, and acts of kindness have been an inspiring tribute to the memory of Constable Dhami."

The service was led with a prayer by chaplain Shay Anderson before eulogies were given by Harvinder's friends, family, and colleagues.

"The last time I stood in front of a large group of people about Harv, was when I gave the best man speech at his wedding," said Gurvinder, Harvinder's brother. "Now I stand in front of you today to deliver his eulogy."

"My brother was a remarkable human being. He was the very essence of what it is to be a kind and compassionate person."

The service also featured a tearful eulogy from Harvinder's widow, Ravinder.

"He would come home from work and not miss a day where he held me, and he reminded me how much he loved me. The morning of April 10 was no different," said Ravinder as she held back tears. "I was expecting to be woken up by his warm hugs and kisses. Instead, I woke up to knocks at the front door. A sound that will forever haunt me." 

"Every part of my life, my home, my past, my present, and my future was intertwined with Harv, and today I stand here empty and broken in ways that I cannot put together."

Ravinder described feeling like she was living her worst nightmare.

"Harv, you will always be the love of my life, my best friend, soulmate, and everything more. Not a day will go by where I won't think of you. Thanks for showing me what it feels like to be loved, cared for, and important in my life," said Ravinder. "Some people go an entire lifetime and don't experience love like this. The love you showed me over that twelve years is enough to last my lifetime."

RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme also made a speech. 

"Harvey was incredibly good, when his beloved Ravi was in university, he would take the nine-hour drive every week to see her," said Duheme. "He clearly cared about everyone around him." 

After the eulogies, there was a performance of Amazing Grace before officers carried Dhami's casket out of the building, with hundreds of officers and emergency services lined down the roads.

Dhami had died in a collision while responding to a call in Strathcona County earlier this month.  

Dhami's family has asked people to support their local Meals on Wheels program in lieu of any flowers or donations, as Harvinder was a passionate volunteer for the program. 
