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Archbishop LeGatt
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Archbishop Albert LeGatt says Jesus experienced loneliness too. (Screenshot: Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface Archdiocese/Facebook)

The leader of Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface Archdiocese says this year's Holy Week is one people will never forget.

Finding hope in Jesus Christ, Archbishop Albert LeGatt says love is important to share with others.

"As we enter Holy Week this year, it is marked very much by the pandemic that we have lived, I am going to say lived together but also lived alone," he says, talking about loneness.

He says the "disturbing loneliness" people have been experiencing, particularly those alone in personal care homes and hospitals, has been a weight over the past year.

He says Jesus was alone, suffering in silence too as he prayed to God in Gethsemane about loneliness. 

LeGatt says the many forms of loneliness are present today, but so is hope.

"We bring that to Holy Week this year. And we look upon Christ in the mystery of what He is living, which is the revelation of the core of His heart, of the core of His relationship with the Father, of what is called to be at the core of our lives."

The Archbishop says as Jesus experienced loneliness, particularly on the cross, He turned to the Father, putting his faith in Him.

"The invitation for us, at this moment, both in the silence and loneliness and suffering that each of us has endured in different ways, different depths, that we also choose to, with Jesus, find not an easy answer but the ultimate strength."

He says this strength can be taken and shared with others in need, bring them "the love we can."

The Archbishop says love is more powerful than anything else, bringing light to others.

"It is not an easy answer but it is the road that Jesus chose and we are asked to choose with him."
