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Police & Fire Report

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 May 02 – 2023 May 03

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 48

0830 Hours – Well-being Check – Subject located, taken to hospital, left in their care.

0926 Hours – Hit & Run (100 blk Diefenbaker Dr) – Parked vehicle struck by unknown vehicle sometime overnight. Approximately $3000 damage. Still under investigation.

1007 Hours – Break & Enter – Cargo trailer entered sometime overnight, items taken, still under investigation.

1054 Hours – Disturbance – Subject located, arrested and charged for causing a disturbance and resist arrest. Released for court at a later date.

1200 Hours – Break & Enter – Building entered, items taken, still under investigation.

1224 Hours – Theft Under – Unlocked vehicle entered sometime overnight, items taken, still under investigation.

1606 Hours – Disturbance – Subject located, sent on their way.

1718 Hours – Robbery – Two individuals charged with robbery, held in cells.

1812 Hours – Suspicious Person – Located individual, nothing suspicious occurred.

1903 Hours – Well-being Check – Subject located, no safety concerns present.

1914 Hours – Dispute – Spoke with involved parties, advice provided, situation mediated.

1948 Hours – Hit & Run – Damage to private property, suspect a possible hit & run, unsure when it occurred.

2100 Hours – Well-being Check – Spoke with subject, no safety concerns present.

2134 Hours – Dispute – Spoke with involved parties, situation mediated.

2357 Hours – Loud Party – Subjects spoken to, party shut down for the night.

0315 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject left upon police request.

0514 Hours – Suspicious Person – Located and spoke with subject, nothing suspicious, they were just out for a morning walk.

Assist Other Agency – 3

Bar Check – 1
