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Ben Friesen at the groundbreaking ceremony in October of 2022
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Ben Friesen at the groundbreaking ceremony in October of 2022

The Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation's goal to raise $ 10 million for the hospital expansion has hit the $8 million mark thanks to the continued generosity of surrounding municipalities, groups, individuals, and businesses.
BTHC Foundation Board Chair, Ben Friesen says the fundraising committee has done a fantastic job. He says they've been out to present to over 15 municipalities that would fall under the facility catchment. 

Friesen noted some of the communities have hospitals of their own, but they also recognize the fact that for all the major special services, people are going to BTHC. "We're very fortunate to have gone to communities like Carman and (RM) Dufferin who have a hospital in their area, and yet they could still see the huge benefit of an expansion and special services here at Boundary Trails, so they bought right in and committed."

The RM of Dufferin committed $280,000 to the expansion, while Carman will contribute $345,000. Agreements are based on $110 per capita over a four-year period. 

"The RM of Pembina came in here last week with their commitment of over $300,000, as well, the RM of Rhineland came in with $200,000. The RM of Montcalm, which we know is out on the eastern side of things, but they still committed $80,000 to the project. These RM's have really, really put us in a good place," added Friesen. "Which we anticipated they would because the expansion is for every citizen throughout the whole of southern Manitoba."

Groundwork is well underway on the hospital expansion on the north end of BTHC
Groundwork is well underway on the hospital expansion on the north end of BTHC

In addition to the Municipal support, there's also been fantastic community business support too, added Friesen.

"We've had anywhere from small, to medium, to large size businesses and they've been committing different amounts. Anywhere from $25,000 to 100,000...So there are a lot of different organizations, businesses, and some individuals that have come through with some very large commitments. I mean, the Lynes family started us off way back with the $750,000 commitment and the (Morden) Community thrift store with $1,000,000." 

- With files from Reporter Robyn Wiebe - 

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