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The alert will be similar to amber alerts which appear on mobile phones.

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency will be testing out its SaskAlert system this week.

At approximately 1:55 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10 people will be receiving messages on their mobile phones, similar to amber alerts.

SaskAlert provides critical information on emergencies in real-time, so people in the province can take action to protect themselves and their communities. 

"Regular testing of the system helps ensure that, in times of an emergency or disaster, urgent and lifesaving warnings can be distributed to the public by emergency management offices and other agencies, ministries and Crowns," Corrections, Policing, and Public Safety Minister Christine Tell said. 

Not all mobile devices will receive the test alert since some devices are not compatible or the device software may not be up to date. For more information, you can visit saskalert.ca or contact your telecommunications provider.

Author Alias