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Premier Scott Moe has released Saskatchewan's plan for electricity generation to 2035 and beyond. 

"The federal government's standards for zero emissions electrical generation by 2035 are unrealistic and unaffordable," Moe said. "They mean SaskPower rates would more than double and we may not have enough generation to keep the lights on."

"I'm not going to let that happen."

SaskPower is now committing to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.  As work continues toward that goal, the province will maintain an energy mix that ensures reliable baseload power and affordable rates for customers. 

The government says that existing assets including natural gas plants, will be used until end of life in order to keep rates affordable. The release says Saskatchewan will continue working toward small modular reactors and will continue expanding intermittent power sources, such as wind and solar. 

"Access to a reliable and affordable supply of electricity is vital to the energy sector in all its forms," Whitecap Resources Inc. President and CEO Grant Fagerheim said. "The plan being put forward today is practical and realistic and will help Saskatchewan remain a competitive place to do business well into the future." 

(Presentation courtesy of the Government of Saskatchewan)

Author Alias