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Mayor Sharilyn Knox

Portage la Prairie Mayor Sharilyn Knox is addressing citizen concerns about the haze and smoke caused by wildfires in Canada. Mayor Knox emphasizes the importance of being prepared and taking precautions for personal health and well-being.

"You really want to be paying attention to what the Federal Government are saying about these changes." Knox explains, "Wildfire smoke, can be very hazardous to your health, so making sure that you're making the decisions that are best for you and your families when you're going camping or spending out time outside."

While there is no current air quality alert in Portage la Prairie, Knox acknowledges the potential for rapid changes due to shifting weather conditions and ongoing fires in Alberta and northern Manitoba. She expresses solidarity with the approximate 20,000 displaced people in Alberta and hopes for a swift resolution to the wildfires.

During air quality alerts, Mayor Knox explains the key guidelines are to limit outdoor activities, staying indoors as much as possible, and keeping windows closed to minimize exposure to harmful smoke particles. When in vehicles, it is advised to keep windows shut while ensuring proper circulation inside.

In the event of another air quality statement, Knox says that it is important to protect vulnerable people, particularly those with asthma or other respiratory issues. Residents are encouraged to monitor the health of loved ones, including children and the elderly, during periods of poor air quality and to consult a family doctor if any concerns arise.

With the warmer weather, outdoor activities like camping and fishing become more popular. Mayor Knox urges residents to stay informed about air quality updates and wildfires, making informed decisions that prioritize personal and family health when outdoors.

Portage has implemented burn bans during high temperatures to prevent wildfires within the community. Knox assures citizens the city is dedicated to maintaining a safe environment and she encourages everyone to follow the bylaws and contribute to collective efforts.

For more updates on air quality alerts and safety measures, you can visit the official website of Portage here.  

Author Alias