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Morden's Land Titles Building on the corner of 8th and Stephen Streets
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Morden's Land Titles Building on the corner of 8th and Stephen Streets

The City of Morden is ensuring another building with historic value to the community will have its history protected.
Deputy Mayor Gord Maddock says the city has purchased the former Land Titles Office building at the corner of 8th and Stephen Streets after the province approached them about its availability.

"It's a building that's very important to us," said Maddock. "We don't want to see somebody get it and tear it down or do something like that. It's part of our history. Just like the clock tower across the street."

Since taking the initiative to buy it, Maddock says they've taken a tour through the building and noted a lot of work will need to be done.

"I don't think we're in the position to do the work. We're looking to put out RFPs and look at what kind of businesses are interested in going into a building like that." No matter who ends up occupying the building in the end, Maddock says it's vital the heritage status remains solidly in place.

Maddock says the city has made a down payment on the building, and will eventually pay the full $165,000.

"We will start working on the heritage part, but as the RFPs come in, that will determine how we will go forward with this building."

Maddock says he was pleased the council was unanimous in its decision to purchase the building, adding it's important to protect the history of the city.

- Written with files from Reporter Robyn Wiebe -

Author Alias