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Ryan Friesen

A recent Building Sustainable Communities Grant helped get the Reinfeld Park Committee to their fundraising goal for phase one of their Community Park Development Project.

The value of the grant was $135,802.

“That put us over the top for phase one, and that was huge. And our MLA Josh Geunter, he was a big help to us,” said Friesen.  

Friesen said the help he received from Cindy Kowalski in the Morden in writing the grant was very helpful as well. 

“It took a lot of work to fundraise our part of that, but it was a huge milestone. Very exciting for us. It really brought this thing into being real.” 

"Phase one has been getting some park essentials done, bringing electrical and water in, and things like that," explained Friesen. "But the big piece of it (phase one) is going be an outdoor arena that's made out of actual arena boards and stainless steel, galvanized, and aluminum materials."'

Friesen says even if their vision and goal might take longer to finish, whatever they create, they won't do it well. "And actually, my goal for it is that I can bring my grandkids there."

With fundraising complete for phase one, Friesen says the committee will now start on phase two fundraising. 

The plan for the second phase is to build a play structure, something they can be proud of, and something people will really want to use, said Friesen. "Again with the goal of creating something that will last."

A picnic area and soccer pitch are a part of the second phase, as well as some baseball diamonds. "Again, along the same vision,t we want to build them so they will last, the community can be proud of them and really want to use them."

Friesen says community members, businesses in their community, and also businesses and people in Winkler, have all been foundational in supporting the Park Development Project.

"Everybody's really excited, especially when we tell them what our vision is, then I've seen so many people's eyes just light up and really take to one point of what we made, and get really excited about it."

If you're interested in helping out in any way with the park project, either with a financial donation, or any other way, Friesen says the committee can be reached through their social media sites or by emailing  reinfeldpark@gmail.com 

Friesen says they are also open to suggestions and ideas. "We really want to stay connected to the community on this."

The 15-acre Reinfeld Community Park is located on the west side of the community, just north of Pembina Avenue East. 

- Written with files from Ronny Guenther -

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