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Wakamow Valley Authority maintains 6 km of the Trans Canada Trail system

Wakamow Valley Authority will be celebrating International Trails Day with a special day of trail care games, clean-up activities and a BBQ today (June 3) from 10 am to 2 pm at the Kiwanis River Park Pavilion.

Trans Canada Trail awarded Trail Care Grants to 192 trail groups this year. Wakamow Valley is one of eleven Trail groups chosen from across Canada, and the only Saskatchewan city, to host a Trans Canada Trail special Trail Care event for 2023. 

Wakamow Valley Authority maintains 6 km of the Trans Canada Trail system.

"It runs in the most southern part of the Valley. It starts off up by Chateau St. Michael's and then runs all the way through the Ecological Zone, almost out to the highway out to the base," explained General Manager Donna MacQuarrie-Bye.

She notes as part of the maintenance, they'll hopefully be able to replace some of the trail signage, or add more signage to the trail system.

"It's exciting because it is the first time that we're doing a trail event at this scale," continued MacQuarrie-Bye. "We have a couple of user groups that are coming in to assist and we would encourage the public, if they want to participate, they can just phone the office and we can put their name to the list."

Those interested in participating can register at the office or call 306-692-2717. You can also email wakamow.gm@sasktel.net

Maps of the trail system are available in the Wakamow Valley Authority office.

"It is a nice leisurely walk, with a little bit of hills and valleys along the way and some shaded tree areas as well," said MacQuarrie-Bye. "It is a really nice scenic hiking trail if you're into that kind of thing."

In addition to the trail clean-up event on June 3, Wakamow Valley Authority has several other events happing over the next few weeks. The farmer’s market will take place every Saturday starting on May 27. A Kid's Day is being planned for June 17. For those looking to do some camping, the Lorne Calvert Campground is now open.

Author Alias