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Mockup of what the pool will look like.
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A mock-up of what the renovated pool facility will look like. (Supplied photo)

The Morris pool is going to get about $600,000 in updates later this year. 
Melissa Lamotte, the Town's facilities manager, says a beach style/zero-entry will be created, and the pool's membrane, pumps and concrete will be replaced.

"For the past several years, we've been saving up for a new membrane. We've known that that aspect of the facility has needed to be replaced and, while we were saving money and putting money into reserves for that project, wear-and-tear on the facility has just brought forth a couple of other issues with our pipes and all of the plumbing in the concrete."

Additionally, there's been an increasing need for an accessible aspect to the pool.

"We've been talking about how we can improve the accessibility portion of it and how we can get those that are in a wheelchair or not capable of using a ladder, into the facility," added Lamotte.

Recently, the project got a $300,000 boost from the Manitoba government's Building Sustainable Communities fund. That will cover about half of the estimated total cost. 

"We have funds in reserve right now," pointed out Lamotte. "Part of the Building Sustainable Communities (fund) is having about ten per cent of outside sources, so non-municipal funding that come in to play when you budget. So, we might be looking at fund raising a small portion of that as well but for the most part, it'll come out of reserves, the Town budget at the BSC grant."

The work is set to start in August, at the end of the season.

Author Alias