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(Left to right) Brady Cheek, Karl Hauch, George Campbell, David Calder, Don Dreichel. Image provided by Jana Semeniuk.

Some new bingo equipment could be on the way in Bruderheim.

On Saturday (June 3), Cenovus presented a $5,000 cheque to the Bruderheim Lions Club.

Mayor Karl Hauch said that this cheque will go towards a much-needed upgrade to their bingo equipment.

"The Lions Club has been doing bingos in Bruderheim Community Hall for a very long time, and the equipment in the hall is antique. You can't buy parts for it anymore," said Hauch, who added that a series of technical difficulties have made the game more difficult to play.

"There are times when the number doesn't light up, and everyone has to remember that one was chosen. There are times when we fire up the equipment, and it just won't go."

With these issues, the Lions Club is looking to upgrade its bingo game to an online system, where residents would be able to play the game remotely from home if they chose that route.

"Since COVID, it's been found that many folks prefer to be at home."

This wouldn't mean that residents would be required to play from home. Hauch clarified that people could still play bingo at the Bruderheim Community Hall.

The Bruderheim Lions Club is looking to upgrade its equipment sooner than later, with quotes for the upgrade increasing by $3,000 in the last year alone to a total cost of $30,000.
