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Photo from the City of Morden website.
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Photo taken from the City of Morden website.

While there is no threat of a drought at Lake Minnewasta, the City of Morden has put out a call for residents to find ways to reduce their water usage.  

Director of Operations Tim Reimer explained. 

"Well, basically, we're just asking residents to basically use water wisely, try not to waste water. It is the summer months when water usage is higher, so we're just asking residents not to stop using water. Our lake is still at a comfortable level. So, it's not that we have a shortage of water, it's just that the usage is up." 

Usage at the Water Treatment Plant is where the concern lies. Reimer said there is a limit to how much water can be produced. 

"Our water plant is designed to run at a high rate of 45 liters per second, and we're currently running around 40 to 43 liters per second averaging that per day." 

If usage exceeds the limit, residents will notice reduced volume and pressure.  

Reimer pointed to last year, during the drought, when residents were able to find ways to conserve and some have continued some of those practices.  

"We do see lawn watering going on in evenings instead of high points of the day, like at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon when it's 40 degrees, you don't see much watering of lawns, which is really good. They definitely are respectable when it comes to water usage."   

He noted the city still has a program to help people conserve.  

"The rain barrel promotion we had going, we actually are still offering it until we do run out of rain barrels. So, definitely contact the city office for the rain barrels. I see a lot of people still using them." 

While the message is not to give cause for alarm, the request is going based on the incredible efforts seen in the past and stay within the capacity of the facility. 

"We are very happy with how people helped us out during the drought stage. That was great. We just want to continue with the efforts and be respectable of the whole water situation." 

The City of Morden website has more information and tips on how to conserve water. 

Author Alias