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The Traffic Safety Spotlight for SGI and law enforcement saw 476 impaired driving offences in the month of May. 

The crown corporation highlighted the number of daytime impaired driving collisions last month and encouraged any day-drinkers (or mid-day tokers) to make sure they made time to #FindASafeRide. 

No matter what time it is, police are always on the lookout for impaired drivers, SGI stated in a recent press release.

Police in Saskatchewan was able to catch 476 people driving after exceeding the legal limits of alcohol or drugs, including 206 Criminal Code charges and 270 administrative suspensions for exceeding provincial limits,  

SGI said that daytime or nighttime, the consequences for impaired driving are the same.

"All impaired driving offences result in licence suspensions, vehicle impoundments, mandatory driver education and Safe Driver Recognition demerits. Criminal Code impaired driving offences carry more significant penalties, like fines and/or jail time and Ignition Interlock requirements upon conviction."  

"Impaired driving crashes are the leading cause of death on Saskatchewan roads. Keep the good times rolling this summer by only driving when sober."

Additionally, law enforcement also reported 841 distracted driving offences in May, including 732 tickets for cell phone use while driving, as well as 490 tickets for seatbelt and car seat offences, and a whopping 5,338 tickets for speeding and aggressive driving offences. 

Author Alias