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"I love Fort Saskatchewan," said Marcie Mazurenko on being the new executive director. Photo provided by the Fort Saskatchewan and Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The Fort Saskatchewan and Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce has a new executive director.

Marcie Mazurenko has been hired for the role and comes with experience in similar roles at non-profit organizations in the area.

"My last position was with the St. Albert/Sturgeon Hospice Association. I was the executive director there. So I've done a lot of non-profit work in a number of different areas," said Mazurenko.

She added that her love for the community is what drove her to become executive director.

"I love Fort Saskatchewan. I've developed a lot of relationships here, and I know it's a very strong business community," said Mazurenko. "I'm happy to be a part of the chamber to support businesses in the region around us."

Mazurenko says that she has lots of ideas for the chamber that she hopes to bring forward in the future.

"We're working on our ongoing farmers market, we have an upcoming golf tournament coming up, and now we're starting to look at the awards gala."

Mazurenko is the successor to Danielle Klooster, who parted ways with the chamber back in May.
