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Members of Altona Rhineland Emergency Services also took time on Friday to show some of their fire fighting equipment and skill
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Members of Altona Rhineland Emergency Services also took time on Friday to show the community some of the firefighting equipment up close.

Members of Altona Rhineland Emergency Services had a great time getting out into the community during the Altona Sunflower Festival last weekend.
Firefighters were involved in 3 primary events throughout Friday and Saturday. One of those events was the annual boot drive during the Sunflower Parade.
Altona Rhineland Emergency Services Chaplain, Richard Bage says funds from the campaign are divided between the Fire Fighters Burn Fund and the Altona Rhineland Food Bank.

"This was probably one of, if not our most successful boot drives ever," said Bage. "We were able to raise a little bit over $6300, which is fantastic. A lot of money was raised, and again split between two incredible organizations."

Bage says the burn fund is a charity that's near and dear to firefighters and their department, so this is a way to honour the work they're doing.

Along with the Burn Fund, Bage said they also wanted to ensure there was a local component to their fundraising. "Just given some of the current economic realities, we know there are a lot of people hurting right now, and in the midst of all of that, our local food bank continues to do incredible work assisting families and individuals in need. We thought here' a chance for us to come alongside them and support the great work that they are doing."

In addition to the boot drive, the department's 2nd annual fire truck pull raised another $1,500, with those funds going to the Altona Panthers, Special Olympics.

- With files from Ronny Guenther and Abby Wall- 

Author Alias