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The August long weekend is here, and with it comes a reminder from the Saskatchewan RCMP: don’t drive while impaired, and don’t operate a boat while impaired.  

“Sometimes we feel like a broken record, but some drivers are still not getting the message that impaired driving is dangerous,” said Sgt. Ian Amundsen from Saskatchewan RCMP Traffic Services in a written release. In July, Saskatchewan RCMP charged more than 166 people under the Criminal Code for impaired driving. There were another 162 drivers who received roadside suspensions. Those numbers don’t include any calls handled by municipal police forces, such as the Estevan Police Service.  

While many are familiar with the penalties for driving while impaired, not many know there are similar penalties for operating a boat while impaired. A conviction can result in fines, prohibition from operating a boat or motor vehicle, seizure of the boat, and possible jail terms. 

The Saskatchewan RCMP’s Combined Traffic Services Section, along with conservation officers, conducted a proactive patrol on some of the waters in southeast Saskatchewan late last month. While conducting the operation, they came across a houseboat with a number of people on board. After an investigation, the operator of the boat was charged with impaired operation of a vessel.  

“Saskatchewan RCMP officers will continue proactive patrols to stop impaired driving and other dangerous offences, including this long weekend,” Sgt. Amundson concluded. “If you are driving, ensure you are sober. If you’re questioning whether you should be driving or not, you probably shouldn’t be. You can also help contribute to road safety by calling 911 if you see a driver you suspect may be impaired.” 

Author Alias