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Your Tuesday morning wake-up call after the long weekend may have come a few hours earlier than usual, with early morning rumbles of thunder across the region. 

"As a cold front slid through the area, that provided the trigger necessary to fire up a few thunderstorms and area of showers, overnight," said CMOS Accredited Weathercaster Chris Sumner. "Several Severe Thunderstorm Watches were in place, but for the most part, these storms did not reach severe limits."

According to Environment Canada, there is a 60% of showers, and the risk of a thunderstorm, for the remainder of the day, before the sky clears this evening. Highs will land around 24, but feel a little warmer once the humidity is factored in.

For the latest forecast details, click here.

The following totals are courtesy PembinaValleyOnline Rainwatchers and the Manitoba Ag Weather Network:

Ninette - 12.5mm
Plum Coulee - 9.4mm (Aug 7th/8th)
Carman - 8.3mm (Aug 7th)
Somerset - 8.1mm (Aug 7th)
Brunkild - 7.9mm (Aug 7th/8th)
Altona - 6mm
Winkler (south of city) - 5.2mm (Aug 7th/8th)
Reinland - 5.2mm (Aug 7th/8th)
Elm Creek - 4.9mm (Aug 7th/8th)
Steinbach - 2.0mm
Dominion City - 1.0mm
25mm = 1 inch

Looking ahead to the remainder of the week, Sumner noted hazy and smoky conditions will continue today and tomorrow, as forest fire smoke moves in behind the cold front passage. The hazy conditions should diminish after Wednesday.

"Also behind that cold front, we'll see temperatures sink a few degrees below average, topping out between 21 and 23 Wednesday through Friday," noted Sumner. "There will also be multiple additional chances for showers and rainfall, with the main focus on Thursday. As a low pressure system moves eastward across the Dakotas, it will be pulling ample moisture into the atmosphere, and that would set the scene for the potential for a rain event. With that said, there is still uncertainty regarding the exact track of that system, and how that may impact potential areas of rainfall."

Heading into the weekend, and Winkler's Harvest Festival, Sumner pointed to sunshine mixed with shower chances Friday through Sunday, and highs similar to the first part of the week. Averages for this time of year are 27 daytime and 13 overnight.
