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The province is looking for people's feedback on employment standards. Photo via Discover Estevan.

The Government of Saskatchewan is asking for public feedback on employment standards around the province.

That's part of its review of the employment standards provisions in Part II of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and the accompanying regulations.

"World events, innovative ways of doing business, and the use of technology have created new working arrangements for employers and employees," Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said. "Using the feedback, we receive; our goal is to modernize the legislation and ensure that we are creating a fair and balanced employment environment for continued investment and economic growth in our province." 

A discussion paper is available on the government's website, which details some of the areas the review might focus on, including:

  • Application of employment standards and definitions of employer and employee
  • Hours of work
  • Wages and regulation of tips
  • Job protection for ill or injured employees
  • Employment leaves
  • Layoff and terminations
  • Authority of employment standards officers

Interested individuals can provide their feedback by October 31.

They can do so by emailing legislation.labour@gov.sk.ca, or by writing a letter to an address found on their website.

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Author Alias