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A long cold snowy winter is on the way according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.
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A long cold snowy winter is on the way according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

For many generations, the Almanac has been found in many homes as a general guide to what we can expect to see with its long-term forecast.

The Old Farmer's Almanac with its yellow cover has been published continuously every September since 1792.

Taking a look at the Canadian edition it is predicting some moisture for what has been some of the drier areas in the Prairies this fall.

Managing Editor Jack Burnett says they're predicting average temperatures for September with temperatures a little bit (about four degrees) warmer in October.

"As far as precipitation goes. In Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan, we expect September could be about average. However, in western Saskatchewan and Alberta, we expect it to be wetter by about 70 millimeters, that's in September. In October, we're looking for the overall precipitation for the prairies to be about 10 millimeters below normal. November December, I have kind of the same profile, which is colder and wetter."

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He notes that we are going to see an increase in intensity slightly as we go from West to East. 

"So, in other words, the winter in Manitoba is going to be ever so slightly colder and snowier than the winter in Saskatchewan. Which is going to be ever so slightly colder and snowier than the winter in Alberta. That being said, it's going to be cold and snowy everywhere. So, it's just a matter of 20 degrees. What we're looking at for November and December is for temperatures in November across the prairies to be about three degrees below normal and in December about two degrees below normal."

Burnett says we're looking for an onset of snow beginning of November, then again at the beginning of February, and then at the end of March. 

"I've done this for many, many years (more than I care to relate) but I don't think I've ever seen a Canadian winter map with more white on it. The only places that are not white are over in very southern B.C. and out in Newfoundland and Eastern Labrador. Otherwise, it's snowy everywhere.

So that's an interesting thing. The silver lining or the white lining to that cloud is that if we can get a lot of moisture in the ground, this winter and next spring we expect it to be a little bit cooler and wetter."

He notes we can expect three key cold snaps one in mid-November, from the end of December to the beginning of January, and then again from the end of January through to the middle of February.

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Author Alias