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Festival of frights
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Last year's Festival of Frights, organized by BBBS Humboldt, was a huge success. The hope is that this year's event will be even bigger with help from the Humboldt Lions Club.

September is Big Brothers Big Sisters month across the organization, and September 18 was Big Brothers Big Sisters Day. The month is an important time for the organization with students heading back to school and littles needing the support of a big mentor more than ever.  

There’s a big push for us in September to recruit mentors,” says local director Tammy Ruedig. “We do a big push for in school mentors this time of year because the school year has just started. We’d love to get you signed up and matched with a youth.” 

The in-school mentorship program provides an opportunity during the school day when a mentor and a youth can get together, have lunch, and check in. The in-school meetings take place in the school one lunch hour every week. 

 Community matches has the mentor and youth meeting outside of school hours and getting involved in areas of interest.  

“You can do things like go to a park, go to a Bronco game, or take in any other sorts of activities,” Ruedig explains. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters is getting set for its second Hallowe’en Haunted House spooktacular. The newly established Humboldt Lions Club is partnering with BBBS on this year’s event. Ruedig says that with all the eager volunteer hands, she expects the event to be even bigger than last year. Keep an eye open for upcoming details.  

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