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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 Sept 24– 2023 Sept 25

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 44

0729 Hours – Assist Ambulance- Subject was arrested on warrants.

0827 Hours –Fraud- Information was provided and was reported for information.

0952 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Area patrolled.

1016 Hours- Lost Property- Reported for information.

1059 Hours- Licence Suspension-Vehicle stop resulted in 3-Day suspension and 3-day vehicle impound.

1107 Hours- Parking bylaw- Vehicle owner contacted and warned of possibility of vehicle being towed.

1136 Hours- Hit and Run- Looking into video for more information.

1151- Hours- Assist Elderly Person- subject was located safe, no concerns.

1211 Hours- Stolen Bike- Stolen from property, all information reported.

1341 Hours- MVA under- Non reportable collision, assisted with name exchange.

1420 Hours- Parking Bylaw- Owner contacted and will move vehicle.

1428 Hours- Theft Under- 1100 block of Clifton Ave a Unlocked vehicle was riffled thought.

1517 Hours- Theft- 300 Block of main street, 2 people stole from local business.

1515 Hours- Property found- Reported for information.

1657 Hours- Suspicious Person- Area to be secured.

1722 Hours- Disturbance- Subject was spoken to about vehicle noise bylaw.

1756 Hours- Found Bike- Commissionaires will pick up property.

1810 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Area searched no person fitting description located.

2013 Hours- Fire Call- Dumpster fire, fire fighters attended and put fire out.

2131 Hours- Shoplifting- Local business in 1000 Block Main St Disagreement between shop owner and subject.

2309 Hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Owner will move vehicle and turn it off for the night.

0025 Hours- Shoplifting- Subject store from local store, store will provide video.

0049 Hours- Unwanted Guest- Asked to relocate, and not to go back to local business.

0208 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- subject banned from Local business, items were returned to owner.

911 – 2

Assist another Agency –5

Warrants Executed- 1
