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An officer wears a mask while making a traffic stop

Manitoba is seeing its highest number of enforcement tickets given out in one week to date.

Between May 24 and May 30, for the first time ever, more tickets than warnings were given out to people not following the Public Health Orders. Officials say 161 tickets and 150 warnings were given last week.

Of the tickets handed out, 144 $1,296 tickets to individuals were given out. One business ticket was given to an R.M of Bifrost church.

Nine people were given tickets for not wearing a mask in indoor public places and one $5,150 Federal Quarantine Act was given out.

"Although the vast majority of Manitobans are doing their part to protect themselves and others, a small minority of people continue to disregard the public health orders and put the health of others at risk. These individuals will be held to account.," the province says in a statement.

The province has also issued six warrants to repeat offenders that have a maximum penalty of $100,000, a first of this kind for Manitoba.

In a media conference on Friday, Inspector Nick Paulet of the Winnipeg Police Service said a warrant was the next step after repeated ticketing.

"A warrant is a higher response than the issuance of a ticket but it is mirrored by the actions of the individual on the receiving end," Paulet said.

The province expects more tickets to be given out in the upcoming weeks.

"Enforcement officials also continue to investigate several recent large gatherings and rallies, and additional charges are expected," the province says."

They are reminding Maitobans that repeat offenders will have the ticket amounts doubled and unpaid tickets will have consequences, including a $100 default fine.

"In such cases, the individual would also be prohibited from renewing a driver’s license or vehicle registration until the amount is paid. Unpaid amounts are also sent to a collections agency for further collection action."

Well over $2 million worth of tickets have been given out since April of last year. The 1,681 tickets are amounting to over $2.3 million in fines. 

The province is reminding Manitobans that while the weather is warming, enforcement will continue to "provide education and monitor compliance." This includes officials at parks and beaches. 
