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Our stretch of unseasonably warm weather is about to change in southern Manitoba. That is according to Sara Hoffman with Environment Canada. 

The normal high for this time of year is 15 degrees Celsius.

"We have a cold front actually swinging through the province today, that's causing some of those thunderstorms," explains Hoffman. "That should usher in some more seasonal temperatures."

In fact, the forecast high for Wednesday is 17 degrees and for Thursday is 13 degrees.

A high of 14 degrees on Wednesday is a far cry from the heat experienced in southern Manitoba over the weekend. 

The heat we have been experiencing the first few days of October is simply a carryover of what was a very warm month of September. Hoffman says some places in Manitoba recorded their warmest September on record, including Churchill. For much of southern Manitoba it was anywhere from the 5th to 7th warmest September on record, with data going back more than 100 years. 

Though we have turned the calendar to October, much of southern Manitoba has still been spared of any frost. But Hoffman says it is not terribly unusual to make it to this far without frost. She says some years the first frost only hits in early November.

Meanwhile, Hoffman says Environment Canada is not currently forecasting any frost over the next week or so. Hoffman suggests that the greatest risk of frost will probably come Saturday and Sunday of this weekend, though they are still calling for overnight lows to stay above the freezing mark.


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Author Alias