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Winter is approaching, and experts are encouraging Manitobans to prepare their vehicles for the upcoming season.

CAA Manitoba's Communications Manager, Elisha Dacey, says you should be using the time we have this fall to prepare for winter before Southern Manitoba becomes a snow globe. 

"Winter is around the corner. It's coming, folks. So, this is the time when the weather is still relatively nice to make sure that your vehicle is ready to go."

Dacey highlights that CAA's top two tips for the winter are to have your battery checked out and change over to winter tires.

"We recommend that you wait until it is seven degrees Celsius or below consistently to change those tires," she continues. "So, we're not quite there yet, but now is a really good time to make that appointment so that you are not stuck waiting If we do get a sudden snowfall."

Dacey notes that while your tires are switched over, get the mechanic to check out the state of your battery, especially if the battery is older than three years.

"You do not want to be stuck in -30 and not be able to start your car, like I did on a New Year's Eve a couple of years ago," chuckles Dacey. " I found myself in a parking lot with a dead car. It was not a fun experience. Do not be like me." 

As Manitobans are tough prairie people, Dacey says that we would all like to think we know how to drive on winter roads when the first snowfall hits. However, there should be an adjustment period for everybody.

"I'd like to say that the speed limit is a limit. It's not a goal, and that doesn't mean you can't drive to the speed limit, but conditions matter." 

According to CAA, other ways you can ensure you're ready for winter driving include having an emergency car kit with blankets, gloves, toques, socks, water, non-perishable food items, jumper cables, candles, matches and anything to keep you warm.  


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Author Alias