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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 October 20– 2023 October 21

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 49



0754 hrs – MVA Over – Approx. $10,000 damage to City Property, one ticket Issued.

0814 hrs – Suspicious Occurrence – Unable to get a hold of Owner, will continue to Investigate.

0931 hrs – Theft Under-100 block of Home St. SE- Misc. Items taken from back alley.

0943 hrs – Assist Ambulance- Subject went to hospital voluntarily, Left in Care of EMS.

1032 hrs – Suspicious Occurrence- Subject was located and requested to leave property.

1102 hrs – Restraining Order- SUI to speak with Social Services.

1112 hrs – Unwanted Guest- suspect was warned of trespassing, verbally banned from residence.

1137 hrs –Alarm Call- Area searched doors were secure no concerns.

1135 hrs – Fraud- Advice was given, Cn will try and cancel fed express Package Shipment.

1156 hrs – Recover Stolen Property- Cn found Bike which had been reported missing, didn’t want charges laid.

1200 hrs – Trespass- Subject was located and sent on his way.

1225 hrs – MVA Under- Vehicle Vs. Fence, $1000 damage, no injuries, one tow.

1227 hrs – Suspicious Occurrence- Recidence searched, found to be secure, windowpane on back door broken, SUI to contact owner.

1411 hrs – MVA over- 2 Vehicle Accident, One Two, one ticket for disregarding traffic sign, $62,089 Damage

1420 hrs – Driving erratic- Area searched for described vehicle, SUI.

1518 hrs- Suspicious person- Subject were located not doing anything illegal, sent on their way.

1534 hrs- Dispute Other- Advice was given that this was a civil matter, no police action required.

1618 hrs- Theft Under- Stolen auto form was to be signed for stolen plate.

1653 hrs- Suspicious person- 700 block of 1st ave-  Suspect located, bike seized.

1657 hrs- MVA over- Cause defective Breaks- No ticket Issued- One vehicle towed.

1727 hrs- Theft under- 1000 block 1st ave NE- subjects were located and warned.

2003 hrs- Well being check- Subject will be staying with friend for the evening.

2015 hrs- Unwanted Guest- Subject had permission to be at residence.

2211 hrs- Vehicle Seizure- 700 block Lillooet- Vehicle seized for 30 days, One SOTI, Drive Without Licence, Two Warnings.

2332 hrs- Suspicious Occurrence- 2 People where jumped by two others known to then subjects. SUI

2356 hrs- Dispute other- Was a verbal disagreement and agreed to separate for the night.

0113 hrs- Driving impaired- 60 day impound, one ticket issued, released for court.

0325 hrs- Noise bylaw- Loud birthday party, calmed down after officers warned subjects.

440 hrs- Disturbance- Held for public Intox.  till sober.



Warrant Executed – 3

Assist Other Agency – 4

Alarm Call – 2

911 Calls – 6
