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Nancy Penner

Nancy Penner wants to be the next Mayor for the City of Morden.
Effective immediately, Penner has resigned her post as a councillor in order to run in the Head of Council by-election slated for December 20th. According to section 40(2) of The Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act, current council members are required to resign their positions to participate in a by-election.

Prospective candidates are required to register with the Senior Election Official (SEO) during the registration period, as outlined in the Notice of Registration: Municipal By-Election for the Head of Council.
Meantime, the decision has been made to also hold a by-election on December 20th to fill Penner's now vacant council seat and the councillor post left empty following Florian Lasnig's resignation in September. The City had earlier stated this by-election would be held at a later date. 
During the registration period, candidates may register for the Office of Mayor and the office of Councillor two (2) positions up to and including November 14th, 2023 at the City of Morden administration office.

Interested individuals are encouraged to review the notice of registration and contact the SEO, Ted Fransen at 204-799-3817 or via email at seomorden2022@gmail.com for further details regarding their candidature.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the following days: November 8, 9, 10, and 14, 2023 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the City of Morden Administration Office, 100 – 195 Stephen St. Morden, MB, nominations will be received for the office of: 

Councillor - Two (2) members 

The nomination deadline is November 14, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. Nominations cannot be accepted after this day. 

All nominations shall be made in writing and shall be signed by at least twenty-five voters, or NOT less than 1% of the voters (whichever is the lesser) of the authority. Each nomination shall also be accompanied by the candidate’s declaration of qualification. 

Nominations may be filed in person or by an agent at the above location, on the date and hours specified. To obtain a nomination paper, and/or candidate’s declaration of qualification, contact the Local Authority at the telephone number listed below. 

Nomination papers not accompanied by the required documents and not properly filed shall be rejected. 
