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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 October 30 – 2023 October 31

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 27



0700 hours – Suspicious Person – Staff allowed person to warm up.

1005 hours – Assist Elder Person- Assisted in getting person back into premise.

1044 hours – Theft Under- Vehicle entered in late August and Items taken.

1044 hours – Mischief- Neighbours were unaware of any allowed persons to be on property.

1051 hours – Vehicle Seizure- Due to driving with suspended license.

1150 hours – False Alarm- Business 1300 block Main St. Building was fully searched; no entry was made.

1240 hours- Assault- Subject was charged with breach of undertaking and assault.

1259 hours- Theft Under- Approx. $300 worth of items were stolen from a vehicle on 400 block of Main Street North.

1259 hours- Well Being Check- Subject was checked on, no safety concerns. Subject was released on Undertaking.

1331 hours- Hit & run- Occurred on the 900 block Duffield Street West throughout the day.

1330 hours- Disturbance- Subject was warned of Trespassing, causing a disturbance, and mischief.

1340 hours- Hit & run- Happened through the day on the 900 block of Duffield Street West.

1515 hours- Parking Bylaw- Vehicle was towed for being unregistered.

1536 hours- MVA over- 2 minor injuries, 2 tows, approx. $25,000 damage.

1609 hours- Theft Over- Trailer Stolen In past month, Recovered by another detachment.

1612 hours- Well Being Check- Officers checked on Subjects, no safety concerns.

1639 hours- Dangerous Driving- Vehicle description didn’t match the Plate provided.

1931 hours- Unwanted Guest- Staff had a misunderstanding with subjects, subjects were warned to stay off the premise.

0402 hours- mischief- Suspect charged with mischief and breach of undertaking.

0445 hours- False alarm- Area searched, everything secure.


Assist Other Agency – 2

911 Calls – 7

Warrant executions- 3
