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Lighting up a cigarette. (photo by Hayden Michaels)

The provincial government is changing the legal age to buy smoking products from 18 to 19. 

The change is set to occur sometime this fall and will affect the purchasing requirements for tobacco and vape products. It will bring them up to par with both the legal drinking age in Saskatchewan, and with the required age to purchase cannabis. 

Saskatchewan Minister of Health, Everett Hindley, says that this change is being made after the last couple of years have seen a tracked increase in youth smoking. 

"We believe and hear from advocates that this will help to reduce the prevalence of tobacco and vapour products in schools," said Hindley.

An additional change that is coming alongside this one is alterations to the vape industry advertising standards, including promotions. 


"There's some loopholes in the existing legislation that allow for advertising in spaces or venues where youth might be present," revealed Hindley.

The Province is tightening up those loopholes, in order to stem the tide of underage vape users. The intended outcome is to see a marked decrease in these products being utilized by students under 19.

These changes all come after consultation. Hindley revealed that for changes like these, the review process takes weeks, if not longer. 

"There would have been feedback received from groups that would have been advocating for changes to this, but also from those from the business sector that know the retail side of things," said Hindley. 

This process would have also involved other agencies like SUMA and SARM.


An announcement for these changes will be coming in the future.

Author Alias