The Wild is a moody, atmospheric film rife with Saskatchewan landscapes and locales. It’s a slow burn in that the opening scenes set a tone and a bundle of circumstances that hooks viewers in and compels them to stay with the characters and the teasing revelations. It’s a little Rod Serling, a little X-Files, wrapped up in some great prairie vistas.
The Wild is opening in theatres across the province. Film maker Aaron Sinclair and one of the stars, Garrett Gizen were out to Reel Attractions Theatre on Friday for its opening. The pair stayed after the screening for a Q and A session with the audience.
The cast and crew endured some interesting conditions shooting late in the month of August explained both Sinclair and Gizen. The Badlands location near Bengough presented some chilly temperatures and ice-cold water. A tornado warning in Indian Head had everyone on alert. But the team also ran into some Saskatchewan gems that appear at various points in the film. One of those treasures was the Grand Theatre, a stately opera house built in 1904, in Indian Head.
“When you first enter the theatre, it’s majestic,” said Gizen. “It’s an absolutely beautiful theatre, so that was one of the highlights. The other one was the motel in Wolseley. There was no set design needed; they just looked like that.”
At the time of the filming, everyone participating in the movie was from Saskatchewan, including the crew and extras.
In a world where large-scale cinema Is sold on the prospect of sequels and franchises, Sinclair is not entertaining the pursuit of a continuation of The Wild.
“It’s not something I’m pushing for or striving for. I hope it’s enough of a wrapped-up story that it’s satisfying, but it leaves you wondering what’s next.”
Sinclair says he has another project in the works, with about 60 pages and a firm grasp on the outline. The new treatment is progressing a bit slower than the writing for The Wild, which Sinclair says came in about a week, after revisiting a previous idea for a short.
Gizen is working on his own film project. After a delay due to the pandemic, he’s hoping his project will see the light in 2024. He says if another acting role comes his way, he’ll happily jump back onto the big screen.
Dive into the mystery that is The Wild, on now until Thursday at Reel Attractions.