Mayor reflects on major growth in Midale

With new and old businesses opening and infrastructure updates Midale has laid the foundation for continued growth in the new year. 

“We’ve been very busy through the community this year both with Infrastructure and things happening,” said Al Hauglum, Mayor of Midale.  

The Midale Qwick Stop reopened, along with the car wash, and they welcomed Big Bob's Meats to town. 

Unsafe toys a big concern as Christmas approaches

With Christmas around the corner parents should watch for unsafe toys can make their way under the tree and into the hands of children. 

Being aware of the safety hazards is the best way to prevent potential risks and accidents. 

Product Safety Officer, Dana Mikkelsen, with the Consumer Product Safety program at Health Canada explained some things to look for when you are purchasing toys this holiday season. 

Working from home and how it impacts your health

Working from home can have an impact on your health, however, it doesn't have to be a negative impact. 

The effects of working from home largely depend on the person, and what kind of lifestyle that person leads, said Megan Lingelbach, a clinical dietician at St. Joseph’s Hospital.  

The benefits of working from home include having more time to prepare and eat nutritious foods as well as reducing how often people pick up fast food. 

Another benefit comes from flexible schedules and shorter commute times, so they have more time to exercise.   

Third parties no longer providing sexual health education in Saskatchewan

The government of Saskatchewan's parental inclusion and consent policy has stopped the use of third parties to provide sexual health education in schools. 

Laura Melle, Assistant Executive Director for Envision Counselling explained that before the policy change, they were contracted to help teachers deliver sexual health information in schools across Southeast Saskatchewan.   

Poppy Campaign is in full bloom  

The poppy is the most notable symbol when Canadians think about Remembrance Day.  

Local Legion branches across the country run the Poppy Campaign from the last Friday of October to November 11 annually. The public is able to take a poppy and leave a donation. This serves as visual representation of support to Canadian veterans who have served or currently serve in the armed forces. 

Money collected during this time goes into a trust fund that is used for assistance to veterans as well as their families.