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Photo courtesy of Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport.

During National Drowning Prevention Week, those enjoying the many bodies of water and beach spots across the province are encouraged to practice water safety. This includes utilizing the Life Jacket Loaner Stations, in partnership with the Lifesaving Society.

"We are so fortunate to have such beautiful beaches and lakes in our parks for visitors to experience, especially during the summer months," Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross said. "In a commitment to public safety, we offer life jackets for visitors to borrow at no cost through the Lifejacket Loaner Stations located in many provincial parks and recreation sites."

The Lifejacket Loaner Station program began in 2016. The program has now grown to include 21 provincial parks.

"Not wearing a life jacket or PFD continues to be the number one factor in fatal drownings in this province," Lifesaving Society Saskatchewan Branch CEO Shelby Rushton said. "It is the Lifesaving Society's wish that swimmers and boaters alike take advantage of the park's Lifejacket Loaner Station to reduce their chances of drowning."

Noting that another problem is people believe they are strong enough swimmers, so they don't think they need a life jacket when out on the water. "When you're out there in the middle of the lake, it's very cold and the wind is coming up and the waves are getting higher. It's very difficult to get back to safety." 

Lifejacket Loaner Stations allow visitors to freely borrow life jackets in a range of sizes, from infant to adult. This program was designed to ensure everyone can enjoy the water safely.

Rushton explained that it is an honor system when it comes to the life jackets program.

“You can take a life jacket off the kiosk. Just look for the big sign that says life jackets. There are instructions and pictures of how to fit them properly. Go out, enjoy your day safely with the life jacket on. But then at the end of the day remember to bring it back so the next person can use it as well.”

She added that there are life jackets available for both adults and children. She noted that finding a proper size of life jacket will affect the way it works.

"First of all, make sure you do have all the buckles and zippers, whatever it comes with because those were put there for a reason, and then if you take your thumbs and try to lift the jacket over your head, if it comes above your ears it’s probably too big, so it could slip off in the water," said Rushton.

In addition to these life jacket tips, visitors are encouraged to always swim with a friend, keep children within arm's reach, and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages while participating in aquatic activities.

A full list of additional Lifejacket Loaner Stations is available here. 

Author Alias