Veteran Service Club Support Program garners record response this year

The Government of Saskatchewan says the Veteran Service Club Support Program has seen a record response in 2024-25.

this year it is providing up to $30,000 to 81 veterans’ organizations in the province.

The program provides grants for repairs and upgrades, special events, operations, programs and activities to engage communities and advance the work and long-term sustainability of veterans’ service organizations across the province.

Veteran Service Club Support Program garners record response this year

The Government of Saskatchewan says the Veteran Service Club Support Program has seen a record response in 2024-25.

this year it is providing up to $30,000 to 81 veterans’ organizations in the province.

The program provides grants for repairs and upgrades, special events, operations, programs and activities to engage communities and advance the work and long-term sustainability of veterans’ service organizations across the province.

STF says cell phones aren’t the real distraction in classrooms

The Saskatchewan Teachers Federation President says cell phones in the classroom may offer a distraction, but teachers have been managing cell phones in classrooms for over a decade and in some instances, it is used to support teaching.

The Government of Saskatchewan announced Monday that starting in September cell phones will not be allowed during class time at K to 12 schools in the province.

Dates announced for public inquests into James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon mass stabbing

A public inquest will be held in January in relation to the 11 deaths that occurred on James Smith Cree Nation and in Weldon on September 4th, 2022. The inquest is scheduled for January 15 to 26th at the Kerry Vickar Centre in Melfort. If additional time is required for the inquest, the week of January 29 to February 2 has also been reserved.