Celebrating culture at Canada's National Ukrainian Festival

Oh, Canada's National Ukrainian Festival, what a fun event! Dauphin and Ukrainians know how to make us feel welcome! From the boutique to the kid's games, everyone was so inviting and just wanted to have a chat and enjoy the fantastic music and watch the beautiful dancing! Being from a Ukrainian family, it was amazing to see everyone coming together. Of course, my Baba's perogies are the best; however, the ones at the Festival come to a close second.

Cadets looking to receive Power Pilot Licence

Five cadets from all over Canada are in Southport this summer trying to obtain their Power Pilot License from Transport Canada.  

The Canadian Cadet program is a National, community-based program for youth aged 12 to 19 where you can learn skills like good citizenship, leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate an interest in the Sea, Army and Air activities of Canadian Armed Forces. In this case, the Air Cadets have an opportunity to learn about aviation and potentially learn how to fly. 

Everyone enjoying the Manitoba Stampede and Exhibition in Photos!

Today we went to the Manitoba Stampede and Exhibition; it was an all-around blast! There were over ten food trucks, more than twenty home-based businesses, a bunch of midway games, axe throwing, a petting zoo, chariot races, and of course, the rodeo! 
The rodeo started at two, and the stands were completely full by one thirty! Although the stands were full, there was still an abundance of people waiting in line to get their wristbands to attend the rodeo. 

Everyone goes home happy after Mix96 pool party

Mix96 listeners had some fun in the sun on Thursday, July 21st  at Splash Island here in Portage la Prairie. There were many games for the whole family to play. There was a cannonball contest and a waterslide competition where contestants could win many prizes from sponsors of the event. McMunn and Yates also had a table with a bunch of kids' games where they could win some great gifts. Everyone enjoyed the free food and the fantastic weather.  

Tim Hortons celebrates 31 years of Camp Days

Tim Hortons Camp Day was another huge success here in Portage la Prairie. Locals helped raise $5162 to send kids from across the Central Plains to camp this summer. 

This was the first traditional Camp Day as the past couple of years were slowed down due to COVID. General manager Stephanie Arnott is very thankful for all of the support she got from our community.

"It's nice to see that some people care about the kids just as much as we do. We're just really excited to be able to send local kids to camp so that they can get the benefits of the Tim Hortons Camp.

Arborg Agricultral Fair and Rodeo photos you must see!

Today I had the opportunity to go to the Arborg Agricultural Fair and Rodeo. The Fair had many activities for the whole family, a tractor pull, rodeo, bubble games, a firetruck display, a kiddie train and much more. When going around and asking people what they were most excited about, lots of people said the tractor pull, but also the MINI DONUTS! This fair was so much fun, and everyone was having a blast even though it was extremely hot outside. I handed out lots of Blue Moon water, so I knew everyone was staying hydrated.

Carberry celebrating summer with their Agricultural Fair and Races

This weekend Carberry is having their annual Carberry Agricultural Fair and Races. I got the chance to head out today to experience all the fantastic events they had throughout the day! The parade was a tremendous start to the day, with over 20 vehicles, including myself traveling through town. They also had a numerous amount of activities for all of the kids to enjoy. There were bouncy castles, even one that had water running down it,a laser tag station, face painting, a magician, a bubble lab, and a firefighter obstacle station!

Take a look at what Canada Day had to offer Portage

Canada Day here in Portage la Prairie was a huge success. Everything that Stride Place had to offer was excellent. You could tell that the biggest highlight for the kids had to be getting their faces painted and going through the bouncy castles, as the lineups were extremely long. The day started with a pancake breakfast being put on by the Portage Rotary Club. Portage also had the honor of unveiling the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Garden. For the main stage entertainment, they had Rainy Day Apparel, Terry Human, Doubletalk, and Azaria Neuschwander.

Holland's Canada Day Celebration a day early in photos!

Tonight was Hollands Canada day celebration...a day early!! It was a lot of fun for everyone who attended. The day started for the kids with a scavenger hunt and a bunch of games at the Tiger Hills Arts Association building. There was also a classic car parade that toured around town. The Credit Union was selling some ice cream for people to enjoy in the warm weather. The show stopper for this day had to be the free Quinton Blair concert, where everyone was welcome to attend.