Pelican Lake Derby raises close to $10K for aeration project

The Pelican Lake Healthy Lake Committee hosted another successful ice fishing derby last weekend.

The annual derby is the signature event for the committee where funds raised go directly into the Pelican Lake aeration project.  Each year the ice fishing derby is held the first Saturday in March.

This year the committee had to make a few changes, the most significant was the launch of the Fish Donkey App, to register anglers and to record fish caught.

"These people are basically farming right off a mountain." Nepal Learning Tour with CFGB

Joseph and Tania Hofer farm together with their community at Greenwald Colony Farms just north of Beausejour and could relate very well with the community farming that takes place on the other side of the world in the country of Nepal.

The Hofers participated in the most recent Learning Tour with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) to have a better understanding of the work that's being done in Nepal through the collaborative efforts between CFGB and their partner organizations.

"These people are basically farming right off a mountain." Nepal Learning Tour with CFGB

Joseph and Tania Hofer farm together with their community at Greenwald Colony Farms just north of Beausejour and could relate very well with the community farming that takes place on the other side of the world in the country of Nepal.

The Hofers participated in the most recent Learning Tour with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) to have a better understanding of the work that's being done in Nepal through the collaborative efforts between CFGB and their partner organizations.

Keeping safety top of mind on the farm, on the road, around machinery and livestock - FarmSafe Manitoba

Last week the federal and provincial levels of governments announced a $1.5 million investment to the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) for the FarmSafe Manitoba program, to promote safe and healthy farm operations in Manitoba.

Pelican Lake Ice Fishing Derby introduces app in light of new measuring rules

Ice fishing enthusiasts know about the Pelican Lake Ice Fishing Derby that takes place every spring the first weekend in March, this year Saturday, March 2nd. 

In the past, folks would bring their prize catch of the day to the measuring station to get their names and the size of their fish on the board. 

Wildlife organization eager to involve more people

The Manitoba Wildlife Federation has been meeting with their affiliate clubs across the province to learn about wildlife population numbers, highlights and challenges over the past year.

MWF Managing Director, Carly Deacon, says they have hired a new staff member to engage more with their approximate 90 clubs and their 15,000 members.

MWF increases membership through more hands-on experiences

The Manitoba Wildlife Federation has been meeting with their affiliate clubs across the province to learn about wildlife population numbers, highlights and challenges over the past year.

MWF Managing Director, Carly Deacon, says they have hired a new staff member to engage more with their approximate 90 clubs and their 15,000 members.

Treherne Car Museum showcases Classics from the Past and Community!

What started out as an idea from a group of fellas in the Treherne area wanting a place to share and show their classic cars and trucks, turned into a full-fledged museum that now boasts 111 vehicles, and other treasures, from local residents!

Treherne's Second Chance Car Museum began when a local car collector and his wife needed a proper home for their personal collection, says museum manager, Craig Soldier.  "Discussions took place and encouragement took place, a building was built, and the museum was started!"