"Fast Brothers are living up to their name," Altona Mayor offers update on industrial park expansion

Crews have been scraping, digging, and leveling earth for just over a month now, and Phase 1 of Altona's industrial park expansion is progressing well. That's the latest update from Mayor Harv Schroeder.

"Fast Brothers are living up to their name. They are working quickly and effectively so far," he explained. "The last update that we received is that they are continuing to put in the manholes and sewer lines. They are also making progress on the retention pond which is necessary for drainage of the development."

Rhineland sets out 4-year goals

Council and administrators for the Municipality of Rhineland have emerged from a two day planning session with six priorities to focus on this term.

"We hope to set the stage for the next four years and then annual plans are supposed to be reflected in these priorities that we set for ourselves," explained Reeve Don Wiebe. 

The priority areas identified as a result of the session include water management.

SCRL celebrates new Altona branch with donors, supporters

Those who supported the Altona Library's relocation were honoured at an intimate celebratory evening hosted by the South Central Regional Library at the new, bigger space in the Altona Mall.
The idea to move to library to the mall was hatched, and became reality, in just a year-and-a-half, and Laverne Siemens, a representative on the Board of Directors, said the effort is an example of what can happen when a community rallies behind an effort.

Morris 'incredibly grateful' for new daycare, says Mayor

"We're incredibly grateful for it," says Morris Mayor Scott Crick following last week's news that the community is finally getting a new daycare with added capacity. 

After being overlooked in the initial announcement back in November, the town has now been included in Phase 2 of the expanded federal/provincial ready-to-move daycare project initiative. Government will provide a modular facility with an additional 104 childcare spaces in the community.

2023 budget planning continues for Municipality of Rhineland

2023 budget deliberations are progressing well for the Municipality of Rhineland. That from Reeve Don Wiebe.

"The L.U.D. budgets are basically completed," said Wiebe, noting Council and administration is just waiting on the 2021 audit and final accounting for 2022 before solidifying the 2023 budget. 

"The Finance committee is now looking at all expenditures and new budget allocations," he added.

All of this, noted Wiebe, is in preparation for the Municipality's public budget consultation scheduled for March 22nd at 10 a.m. at Council Chambers in Altona.

2023 Asham U18 Men’s and Women’s Curling Championship turns record profit in Altona

The final tally is in, and the 2023 Asham U18 Men’s and Women’s Curling Championship is one of the most profitable in the event's history, according to the Altona Curling Club which hosted the event at the end of December. In a news release, the Club noted the event turned out a profit of just over $20,000.

Altona group looks to green up Millennium Exhibition Centre

A grassroots group is looking to reduce the environmental footprint of Altona's largest public facility, the Millennium Exhibition Centre. 

The Earth Team, made up of five local citizens, is conducting a green building audit in the second of a three-phase, three-year federal program that is providing about $60,000 to the community for climate action.

Guenter gets added responsibility with Manitoba PCs

The MLA for Borderland has some new responsibilities with the governing Progressive Conservatives.

In this week's Cabinet shuffle, Premier Heather Stefanson named Josh Guenter Legislative Assistant to the Finance minister, Deputy Caucus Whip, and a member of the Public Accounts Committee. He was also re-appointed to the Treasury Board.

Provincial investment a great opportunity for Pembina Valley Water Co-op says CEO

The CEO for the Pembina Valley Water Co-op (PVWC) says the province's funding announcement for waste water and water treatment projects is a great opportunity for the municipally-owned organization.

As part of an $850-million support package unveiled by the Manitoba government to help Manitobans make ends meet, relieve pressures on the health-care system and assist as communities and industries recover from the pandemic, the province announced a $100 million investment into waste water and water treatment facilities in Manitoba.