RCMP warn of fake $100 bills

Pembina Valley RCMP is warning the public and local businesses of a rise in counterfeit $100 bills in the region.
Just this month, businesses in both Carman and Winkler were among a handful to report receiving the fake money. 

Investments, demand lead Friesens Corporation to another record year

2022 was another record-breaking year for Friesens Corporation. According to a year-end report, the Altona-based print and packaging manufacturer broke records for revenue, profits, and the number of employees, led by incredible results from its core business, the Book Division. 

CEO, Chad Friesen, attributed this continued success to several factors, some dating back several years. That includes investments of over $40,000,000 in equipment, expanded facilities, and new technology.

Inflation putting pressure on Winkler's 2023 financial plan

Like many households and businesses, the City of Winkler has been unable to escape the added pressures of inflation. Council and administration are busing crossing the I's and dotting the T's on the City's proposed financial plan for 2023. 

"Everything that we do is significantly more expensive than last year," explained Mayor Henry Siemens. As a result, he says they've been trying to mitigate that impact to the best of their ability while crunching the numbers. "Without robbing from Peter to pay Paul. We can't steal from the future to make this year work," he added.

RPGA Planning District posts solid year of growth in 2022

The numbers are in, and 2022 was another solid year for the RPGA Planning District. 

According to year-end statistics, 188 building permits were issued throughout the year, up from 183 in 2021. 101 of those permits were issued for projects in the Municipality of Rhineland, and 99 in the Town of Altona. 

The value of permits taken out also increased year-over-year, coming in at around $34 million. The Town of Altona accounted for $14 million, up from $9 million in 2021, while values in the Municipality of Rhineland remained relatively level at $19 million.

Cameron Friesen to seek Portage-Lisgar Conservative nomination

A familiar face has announced plans to seek the Conservative nomination in Portage-Lisgar.

Morden-Winkler MLA and Manitoba Finance Minister, Cameron Friesen, says he plans to resign his seat in the provincial legislature in the near future to run for the federal post currently held by outgoing MP Candice Bergen. 

PortageOnline is following this story with more details to come. 

Shared Health expands visitation guidelines for long term care facilities

Visitation guidelines have been expanded for long-term care facilities in Manitoba, effective Monday, January 23rd.
According to Shared Health, the move comes as pandemic restrictions continue to loosen in light of high rates of vaccination and reduced severity of illness. 

Consistent growth prompts Manitoba Hydro to install new distribution supply centre near Altona

Consistent growth, combined with an expanding industrial park, has prompted Manitoba Hydro to plan for a new distribution supply centre (DSC) north of Altona. 

According to the Crown corporation, the new DSC will increase reliability, improve voltage levels, and support growth in the community, including meeting demand from the Altona Industrial Park.

Rhineland sets four year priorities

Council and administration for the Municipalty of Rhineland have set out five goals to work towards in the next four years. 

Reeve Don Wiebe explains, the strategic plan is the result of a process that started soon after the municipal election.

"We began with a community consultation meeting, and this took place last month at the Good Neighbour Centre in Rosenfeld where about thirty-five people from across the municipality were invited to share their impressions."

That was followed by a comprehensive survey completed by each member of Council. 

Shared Health expands visitation guidelines for long term care facilities

Visitation guidelines have been expanded for long-term care facilities in Manitoba, effective Monday, January 23rd.
According to Shared Health, the move comes as pandemic restrictions continue to loosen in light of high rates of vaccination and reduced severity of illness.