SaskPower releases report on community response to SMR project

SaskPower has released a report on some of the input they've received from the communities of Elbow and Estevan, where a Small Modular Reactor may be placed in the future.

The two communities have been hosting events for a while on the potential construction, as both have some ideal characteristics for the new technology.

Those events had residents sharing some of their concerns and hopes for what an SMR might bring to their community.

Saskatchewan sees more than 300% increase from final oil and gas offerings of fiscal year

The Government of Saskatchewan's Crown petroleum and natural gas public offering held on Tuesday, February 7, has raised just over $3.1 million in revenue for Saskatchewan.

That was the final petroleum and natural gas public offering scheduled for the 2022-23 fiscal year, bringing the total amount of revenue for the year to $49,205,888.26.

That's an approximate 328% increase when compared to the funds brought in during the 2021-22 fiscal year, which came in at around $15 million.

What can you do about ice dams?

As warmer weather is hitting the prairies, some areas are seeing an increase in heat and sunshine leading to snow melting off of roofs.

While that may seem like a good thing, the reality is that these conditions can lead to ice dams.

What happens is when the attic space of a home becomes warm, that can melt the snow on the roof, causing the water between the snow and shingles to freeze once it trickles down to the eaves-trough.

Provincial and Federal ministers announce $4.5 million in new funding for southeast infrastructure projects

The federal and provincial governments announced today that $19.7 million dollars will be heading to Saskatchewan communities to help with a variety of infrastructure projects.

With the federal government putting forward around 10.8 million, and the province offering 8.9 million, a few different southeast communities will be seeing some benefits.

SaskTel reverses email subscription fees

SaskTel is reversing their previously announced fees for email accounts, which would have been brought into effect in April.

SaskTel released the following statement:

"As Saskatchewan’s leading communications provider, SaskTel recognizes the importance of providing advanced and reliable communications services that are also affordable.

UPDATE: SaskTel no longer charging for email accounts this spring

The provincial government has intervened in SaskTel's plans to begin charging subscribers a fee for their email service. 

Minister Don Morgan made a statement on Friday indicating that he had heard concerns raised by the Crown's customers. Consequently, Morgan, Minister in charge of SaskTel, directed the company to abandon the fee hike. 

A statement provided by SaskTel indicated it too had heard the feedback, and it would comply with the government's instructions not to charge a fee. 

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