Saskatchewan government removes carbon tax on home heating

In October, the provincial government announced they were going to have SaskEnergy stop collecting the carbon tax on home heating in response to the federal government’s decision to suspend the collection of the tax on home heating oil, which primarily impacted Atlantic Canada. In a release issued Thursday morning, the province reaffirmed their position and also stated they would not be collecting a portion of the carbon tax on SaskPower bills as well.  

Weyburn's Ty Mason reflects on golden triumph with Team Canada West

“It was definitely something special, and something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.” 

Those words from Ty Mason about his experiences playing with Team Canada West at the World Junior A Challenge in Truro, Nova Scotia earlier this month, and coming home from the tournament with a gold medal.  

White Christmas still a possibility as forecast remains clear

Christmas is just under a week away, and in most years, we have a pretty clear idea if we will have a white Christmas or not.  

“The answer is, we don’t know yet, because there’s a few things going on when we determine white Christmases,” said Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorologist Terri Lang. The biggest factor is the amount of snow on the ground. Environment Canada considers it to be a white Christmas if there are two or more centimetres of snow on the ground.

Southeast battles respiratory viruses: Influenza cases soar

Throughout the southeast, and across the whole province, respiratory illnesses have been on the rise. In the most recent Community Respiratory Illness Surveillance Program, released by the provincial Ministry of Health on December 8th, the primary cause for respiratory illnesses was influenza, followed by COVID-19, then Respiratory Syncytial Virus.