Wolseley bike shop sells bicycles built for people with disabilities

With the weather warming up, people are finding the urge to get outside and move around especially after this long cold winter. The cabin fever is waning and bicycling in Manitoba always increases this time of year.

For those who are healthy, the ability to move their legs very often gets taken for granted and biking is no problem at all. However if you have an issue with leg strength due to a neurological condition such as Multiple Sclerosis, or stroke; or  you have joint issues such as a bad hip or knee, biking might not be something that comes to the top of mind.

Break the Bias: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022 on Classic 107

Tuesday, March 8th 2022 is International Women’s Day.

Each year, a theme accompanies the day of action and celebration. This year is all about #BreaktheBias.

The musical world, indeed does have a clear gender bias: it has been dominated by male composers and performers. 

As Janet Robbins and Maureen Blementhal have written: