Magnificence of Winnipeg: Local Artist Jordan Van Sewell finds Inspiration from the City and from the Pandemic

For anyone interested in the arts scene here in Winnipeg, the name Jordan Van Sewell will be immediately recognizable. He has been a fixture on the Winnipeg Arts Scene for decades and has many works in some of the most prestigious art collections around the globe.

Jordan works in ceramics, and his sculptures have been described as whimsical, revealing and profound. His works frequently offer his own view of the world around him often with hilarious and thoughtful commentary.

Snow globes and solitude

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

A mental health expert unpacks the ideas and differences between solitude and loneliness.

"I have this theory about busyness," says Terry Warburton, Clinical Director of Recovery of Hope Winnipeg. "I have had so many clients say to me over the years that they feel better emotionally when they stay busy and that’s what they try to do. I would say that is sometimes true for me as well."

Prairie Dreams: WMCW and Prairie Debut Present Violinist Kerry DuWors and Pianist Katherine Dowling

This Sunday, October 24th at 2:30PM the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg in collaboration with Prairie Debut will be presenting violinist Kerry DuWors, and pianist Katherine Dowling in a concert of romantic works by Brahms and Robert and Clara Schumann.

The concert is at Fort Garry Mennonite Brethren Church at 1771 Pembina Highway, and can be seen live or live-streamed for $20.00.

Maintaining relationship in the midst of conflict

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

A mental health expert is sharing ways to keep your cool when talking about divisive topics, especially with people you care about. 

"If two people agree all of the time, then at least one person is not being themselves. We ought to have our own thoughts, feelings, opinions and perspectives about life. We are all different and it would be very boring if we were all the same," says Terry Warburton, Clinical Director with Recovery of Hope Counselling in Winnipeg. 

Innocent Beauty: Seong-Jin Cho Releases his Latest CD of the Music of Chopin

Since winning the International Chopin Piano Competition in 2015, South Korean pianist Seong-Jin Cho has been entrancing audiences with his impeccable style, and sheer beauty of his playing.

On August the 27th Seong-Jin Cho released his latest album featuring the music of Chopin. The disc consists of Chopin’s 2nd Piano Concerto and Chopin’s fiendishly difficult four Scherzi for the solo piano.

The impact of constant internet and social media use

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

A mental health specialist says that while technology is here to stay, it's good to be aware of the benefits and pitfalls it can bring. 

"The impact of internet and social media use has been an intriguing and alarming topic to explore. One of the most alarming impacts of spending too much time on our devices is how we can begin to lose our empathy, lose our feelings," says Terry Warburton, the Clinical Director at Recovery of Hope Counselling in Winnipeg. 

Building your house and finances on solid ground

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

A proper foundation for your house and your finances can mean the difference between being wiped out or standing strong. 

"It’s not often hurricanes come roaring through a community, but when they do they are likely to destroy everything. That’s exactly what happen in 2008.  Hurricane Ike roared through Gilchrest, Texas destroying everything in sight, knocking over every building and house. Well, all except one," says Merv Peters of Fresh Ground Financial.

GroundSwell at 30: Celebrating 3 Decades of the Best in New Music

For thirty years Winnipeg’s GroundSwell has been at the forefront of presenting audiences with the best in ground breaking new music. It has commissioned and premiered dozens of works by the most progressive, vibrant, and visionary composers on the contemporary scene. Many compositions performed at GroundSwell concerts make use of audio, video, electronics and dance, to enhance the sensory experience for the audience.